/* Custom JavaScript */ $(document).ready(function($) { /*---------- For Placeholder on IE9 and below -------------*/ $('input, textarea').placeholder(); /*----------- For icon rotation on input box foxus -------------------*/ $('.input-field').focus(function() { $('.page-icon img').addClass(''); }); /*----------- For icon rotation on input box blur -------------------*/ $('.input-field').blur(function() { $('.page-icon img').removeClass(''); }); /* for demo only */ function getparameter(){ var themename = window.location.href.split('?'); var tid = themename[1]; if(tid === undefined){ tid = 'login-theme-1'; } $('link#fordemo').replaceWith(''); $('a').each(function() { var link = $(this).attr('href') + '?' +tid ; $(this).attr('href',link); }); var k = tid.split('login-theme-'); var thnumber = Number(k[1]); $('.th'+thnumber).addClass('active'); if(thnumber>8 && thnumber<15 || thnumber==7){ $('.login-logo a img').attr('src','img/login-logo2.png'); } } $('a.demo-btn').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var themeid =$(this).attr('data-demoid'); var themename = window.location.href.split('?'); window.location.href = themename[0]+'?'+themeid ; }); getparameter(); }); /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 05:23:35 Apr 19, 2018 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 07:29:47 May 08, 2018. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): LoadShardBlock: 31.691 (3) esindex: 0.011 captures_list: 47.544 CDXLines.iter: 10.909 (3) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 48.31 (4) exclusion.robots: 0.312 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.267 RedisCDXSource: 0.732 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 62.771 load_resource: 124.065 */